South Route
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South Route
This route has a length of approximately 67.44 km and comprises 14 sites. The theme of the journey on the Southern Route is ‘A Glittering Journey from the Tropical Rainforest to the Diamond,’ signifying how the tropical rainforest breathes life into the Meratus. Starting from Purun Village, it shares its art, offers herbal remedies at Herbal Village, and becomes a home to wildlife and enchanting orchids. The Dutch guesthouse bears silent witness to colonial history, surrounded by trees growing on Snake Skin Rock, with a landscape that resembles a painting. From here, we can see how the earth’s history created the everlasting brilliance of the diamond.

Tropical Rain Forest Park
Traditional Purun Handicraft
Traditional Herbal Kampong
Lambung Mangkurat Museum
Geopark Information Center
Orchids Conservation Park
Endemic Animal Habitat
Snake Skin Stone
Kiram Bamboo Mosque
The Tale of Suryanata Prince Monument
Cempaka Traditional Diamond Mining
Sasirangan Traditional Shop