Sasirangan Traditional Shop

NO. SITE : 23
Sasirangan Traditional Shop
LocationKelurahan Bangkal, Kecamatan Cempaka Kota Banjarbaru
CoordinateLatitud : 3° 29’ 27.60”
Longitud : 114° 51’ 7.55”
CharacteristicsSocial Economic Site
RouteSouth Route
FunctionsResearch and Education

The Sasirangan Traditional Shop is in Bangkal SubDistrict, Cempaka District, Banjarbaru City. It is 3 km away from the TCempaka Traditional Diamond Mining, or about 8 km of Banjarbaru City by motorcycle and car. It is not far from Cempaka Traditional Diamond Mining site and Banjarbaru City Center, as a place for making sasirangan fabric using natural dyes, at first cotton fiber used as a main material for the fabric but over time several other materials were also used such as satung, balacu, kaci, king, satin, polyester, rayon and silk. The distinctive feature of sasirangan fabric is a series of motifs which are generally composed vertically, with various base colours caused by colouring techniques. Craftsmen who make sasirangan fabric dominated by residents who have received training both from the owner or their parents.At this store we’re not just can buy sasirangan fabric as raw material but also in the form of finished products (clothes, etc.). This is the end of journey of the West Route “A Glitering Travel from the Tropical Forest to the Diamond”.