Lambung Mangkurat Museum

Lambung Mangkurat Museum
LocationKelurahan Komet, Kecamatan Banjarbaru Utara Kota Banjarbaru
CoordinateLatitud : 3° 26’ 33.11”
Longitud : 114° 50’ 17.68”
CharacteristicsInfrastructure Site
RouteSouth Route
FunctionsPenelitian dan Pendidikan

Lambung Mangkurat Museum is in Komet Sub-District, North Banjarbaru District, Banjarbaru City. It is away 4 km from the Traditional Herbal Kampong by motorcycle or car. The museum with area of around 15,000 m2 is based on the name of the king who ruled the Negara Dipa Kingdom in Hulu Sungai Selatan around 1380-1387, namely Lambung Mangkurat (Lembu Mangkurat). The museum, which is characterized by the shape of the Banjar Traditional House building, has several collections including geology/geography, biology, ethnography, archaeology, history, numismatics/heraldic, philology, ceramic, fine arts and technology, the Hindu period civilization such as statues of gods and animals, as well as collections during the Banjar Sultanate. This museum has undergone several changes since first established in 1907 by the Dutch East Indies Government and inaugurated by Dr. Daoed Yoesoef as Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia on January 10, 1979, named Lambung Mangkurat Museum.