
Recognizing Meratus Mountains Geoarea Formation

by in Geopark March 19, 2019

The extensive Meratus Mountain Geopark is divided into 3 different geoarea, namely: the Meratus Mountains Geoarea, the Barito Basin Geoarea and the Asem-Asem Basin Geoarea. Each geoarea certainly has unique rock formations that are different from each other. Because it has a different beauty formation, let’s get closer to one of the geoarea, namely the Geoarea of the Meratus Mountains.

In the Geoarea of the Meratus Mountains there are various geosites in the form of waterfalls, landscapes, diamond mines and marble caves. Each has a rock formation with various ages.


Lano Waterfall has a Haruyan formation which is thought to be of Late Cretaceous age (64.5-95 million years ago).

Lok Lagah has a Haruyan formation that is in the Late Cretaceous (64.5-95 million years ago).

Sumaragi Waterfall has a formation of Pitap which is in Late Cretaceous (64.5-95 million years ago).

Kilat Api Waterfall has a Batanglai / Belawaian granite formation that was originally Cretaceous (95-135 million years ago).

Hanai Waterfall and several other waterfalls in the Meratus Mountains Geoarea such as: Barajang Waterfall, Haratai Waterfall, Mandin Tangkaramin Waterfall, and also Iwak Gantung Waterfall and Lok Bahan Hot Water have the same formation, namely the Haruyan formation with estimated Cretaceous age End (64.5-95 million years ago).

The Belawaian Waterfall has the formation of Batanglai / Belawaian Granites which were in Early Cretaceous (95-135 million years ago).

The Bajuin and Marble Cave waterfalls have a Pudak formation that is in Late Cretaceous (64.5-95 million years ago).


Bukit Langara has a Batununggal formation that was aged Early Cretaceous (95-135 million years ago).

Bukit Kantawan has the same formation as the Bukit Langara formation, which is the Batununggal formation which was in Early Cretaceous (95-135 million years ago).

Tahura Sultan Adam Mandiangin has a Pitanak formation which is in Late Cretaceous (64.5-95 million years ago).

Matang Keladan has a form of Malihan Rock which is thought to be of the early Jurassic age (100-200 million years ago).

Hot water

The Tanuhi Hot Water has a Batanglai / Belawaian Granite formation that is Early Cretaceous (95-135 million years ago).

Hantakan Hot Water has a Batanglai / Belawaian Granite formation and is thought to be of early limestone age (95-135 million years ago).

Typical Minerals

The Cempaka Diamond Mine has a form of Holocene-aged Alluvial Deposition (0.01 million years ago-present).

That was a short information to get to know more closely one of the geoarea found in the Meratus Mountains Geopark.

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