Blukuh Beach
Blukuh Beach Blukuh Beach Geosite is in the village of the Bali River Sebuku District, Kotabaru Regency Road to location Cave at Blukuh Beach Blukuh Beach Rocks Type Blukuh Beach Blukuh Beach Blukuh Beach Blukuh Beach Blukuh Beach
Blukuh Beach Blukuh Beach Geosite is in the village of the Bali River Sebuku District, Kotabaru Regency Road to location Cave at Blukuh Beach Blukuh Beach Rocks Type Blukuh Beach Blukuh Beach Blukuh Beach Blukuh Beach Blukuh Beach
Halaban Beach Halaban Beach Geosite is in the village of the Bali River Sebuku District, Kotabaru Regency Road to location Halaban Beach Halaban Beach Rocks Type Halaban Beach Rocks Type Halaban Beach Rocks Type Halaban Beach
Hurik Beach The Hurik Beach geosite is in the village of the Bali River Sebuku District, Kotabaru Regency Road to location Hurik Beach Hurik Beach Hurik Beach Hurik Beach Rocks Type Rocks Type
Ophiolite Outcrops (Gabro) Ophiolite Outcrops Gabro is located in the village of Bali River Sebuku District, Kotabaru Regency Road to location Ophiolite Outcrops (Gabro) Ophiolite Outcrops (Gabro) Rocks Type Ophiolite Outcrops (Gabro)
Bowl Cape (Tanjung Mangkok) Tanjung Mangkok geosite is in the village of Tanjung Mangkok Sebuku District, Kotabaru Regency Bowl Cape (Tanjung Mangkok) Bowl Cape (Tanjung Mangkok) Bowl Cape (Tanjung Mangkok) Rocks Type Bowl Cape (Tanjung Mangkok) Rocks Type Rocks Type