Wasaka Museum

NO. SITE : 2
Wasaka Museum
LocationKelurahan Sungai Jingah, Kecamatan Banjarmasin Utara, Kota Banjarmasin
CoordinateLatitud : 3° 18’ 14.72”
Longitud : 114° 36’ 32.56”
Characteristics Infrastructure Site
RouteWest Route

The Wasaka Museum is in Sungai Jingah SubDistrict, Banjarmasin Utara District, Banjarmasin City. it is about 10 km from the Floating Market Lok Baintan and can be reached by engine boat or what by the local calls “Klotok”. The Wasaka Museum has a traditional Banjar architectural style called “Bubungan Tinggi” that had been standing for more than 2 centuries (around 1810 ago). This museum is a witness of South Kalimantan’s people struggle for independence, which was founded on the initiative of the Governor of South Kalimantan and received support from veterans, humanists, artists, historians, and the general public in South Kalimantan. This museum was inaugurated by the Governor of the Regional Head Level 1 Province of South Kalimantan Ir. HM Said on November 10, 1991, which coincided with National Hero’s Day. It can be reached not just by river (Martapura River) but also land, and open from 9.00-15.00 WITA every day except Monday.