Floating Gallery

Floating Gallery
LocationKelurahan Sungai Jingah, Kecamatan Banjarmasin Utara, Kota Banjarmasin
CoordinateLatitud : 3° 18’ 45.30”
Longitud : 114° 36’ 29.10”
CharacteristicsInfrastructure Site
RouteWest Route
FunctionsEducation and Nature Tourism

The Floating Gallery is in Sungai Jingah SubDistrict, Banjarmasin Utara District, Banjarmasin City. It’s just side by side with the Sasirangan Traditional Kampong. It serves as a place/ showroom for sasirangan fabric craftsmen products on Sungai Jingah SubDistrict. Because of the nature and function of the building, it is called the Floating Gallery. Like a floating pier, this building is moored on the edge of the mainland in Sungai Jingah SubDistrict and can go up and down following the tides of Martapura river, so it is also the entrance to go to the Sasirangan Traditional Kampong Area from Martapura River. In addition to the construction of it that floats on the Martapura River, this building also has a distinctive form of Banjar culture, the roof imitates “Tudung Tanggui” or large hat which is usually made of nipa palm leaves used by the Banjar people both for gardening and for activities on the river.